best value insurance companies

best value insurance companies

in this asap roofing video, we’ll show youthe process for properly making an insurance claim on any damage done to your home. withasap roofing, you can put your home’s insurance to work for you. an insurance claim is anytype of loss that happens to your personal property, vehicle, or home that causes youto open a claim with your insurance company. most roofing related claims are caused byhail, wind, or other types of storms. if you’ve experienced a storm in your area,or know you have damage to your home, one of our representatives will do a full siteevaluation to see what damages have been sustained. once the claim has been opened your insurancecompany will then call you with a date and time of when they will be at your propertyto identify the damage.

it is extremely important that we are at yourproperty at the same time. by being there, we help identify the property damages duringthe adjuster’s inspection – making sure all damages have been properly accounted for.remember to document everything! photos are your best friend when it comes to an insuranceclaim! once your adjuster inspects the property,they will write a report on what they believe has been damaged. this itemized estimate,or loss sheet, will either be provided to you on site, or will be sent via mail in approximately7-10 business days. with the loss sheet, you will also receive your first check for theclaim. this is called the acv check, or the actual cash value.typically, this is not the only payment you

will receive from your insurance company,as they split up the total payment into sections until all of the work is completed. asap’shighly trained team can assist on all aspects of the claims process, or recommend publicadjustors or attorneys if necessary. if your insurance company denies or doesn’tpay for some damaged property, you may request a “reinspection”. with a reinspection,a new adjuster inspects the same damaged property, checking for items the initial adjuster missed.if we don’t agree with your adjuster after the reinspection, we can ask for an appraisal.this is when an asap roofing representative, an insurance company representative, and anthird-party â umpire – agreed to by both parties – makes the final decision. if wedon’t reach an agreement, the next step

would be positive legal action.if your entire roof is approved for repair, but there are other items, like windows ora fence, that were not covered in the original adjuster’s report, we can add them to theclaim. this addition is called a ‘supplement’. a supplement requires that photos, dimensions,and an estimate outlining the additions and are sent to your insurance company. this processtakes an average of 2-4 weeks of negotiating. the team here at asap roofing does this additionalstep for you, at no extra cost. once you receive your loss sheet, and theacv check, we review the information with you – clarifying any details and answeringany questions. we then schedule an installation date. next, you pick your colors and otherpreferences on materials you may have.

while repairing your home, we typically beginwork on the roof with any insurance claim. if your insurance company has covered additionalwork, (for example: siding, windows, or paint) we will schedule this workâ afterâ the roofhas been completed. asap roofing assists you on any claim with any insurance company. thestaff in our office will be working diligently to get your claim processed and moved forwardwith your insurance company. this includes sending them all relevant documents for yourclaim, like our estimate, code documents, permit receipts, photos, upgrade requirements,and more. withoutâ yourâ verbal approval over the phone, your insurance company is unableto work with us.â communication is key to moving your claim forward quickly. it’sessential that you call and give permission

to your insurance company to work with ourrepresentatives at the beginning of the claim process.once the negotiations, or supplementing, has finished, and all work has been completed,your insurance company will issue you the ‘depreciation’ check for your claim. atthis time, they may also issue you a third check. this check is for the supplement itemslike code upgrades, permit costs, and more. all of these checks will equal your totalrcv, or replacement cost value, on the claim, minus your deductible, for which the homeowneris responsible. once the claim has been paid in full, you will receive your warranty fromus. although there are many details in the insurance claim process, asap roofing takescare of the vast majority of work – making

it even easier for you. without your help,we can’t help you. but with you, asap roofing can make the claim process easy, efficient,and cost effective. call asap roofing or go to for more information and tomake the most of your insurance claim.